Museum display cabinet constant temperature and humidity machine installation process

2023-10-28 15:58:31 admin 82

Museum display cabinet constant temperature and humidity machine installation process

The installation process of constant temperature and humidity machine for cultural relics exhibition ark. In the museum, cultural relics storage or valuable paintings and calligraphy collection, need to control the humidity of the ambient air. Museum display cabinet constant temperature and humidity machine is the protection of cultural relics "daemon", to ensure that the collection of cultural relics * not be destroyed.

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Museum display cabinet constant temperature and humidity machine installation process

First of all, after the constant temperature and humidity machine arrives at the site, the preparatory work before the installation

1. After unpacking and checking that the equipment is intact after the arrival of the set, the installation and handling personnel should hold and put the equipment gently, and should not operate savagely and cause damage to the set.

2. After the unit has landed on the ground, confirm whether the tools and related accessories for installing the unit on site are in accordance with the site conditions.

3. The set should be kept horizontal when moving, never tilt, and be lightly held and put down.

Secondly, after the preparatory work is ready, the docking work of the air duct of the equipment starts

1. Fix and connect the air ducts according to the size of the air outlet reserved in advance for the display cabinet. Duct installation should have professionals HVAC industry technology for installation guidance, the use of insulation duct. At present, the style of air duct is more is two: rectangular air duct and round air duct. Round duct can be directly with the equipment air flange for docking; rectangular duct need to add a transition air supply port; duct link length can not be greater than the set of residual pressure allowed by the length of the unit.

2. The return air outlet of the unit is sent to the cabinet from the duct, and the size of the air outlet is provided by the supplier and reserved by the engineer.

3. Whichever duct is used shall be duct with insulation. The thickness of the insulation layer should not be less than 10MM. 4.

4. Duct interface parts should be sealed with aluminium foil tape, hose to do response fixed.

Again, after the air duct is fixed, then connect the water supply and drainage of the constant temperature and humidity machine in the exhibition cabinet

1. The installation and heat preservation of the water pipe of the set should be designed and guided by professional personnel and the HVAC installation specification should be implemented.

2. The inlet and outlet water pipes should be connected in accordance with the marking requirements on the unit.

3. The chilled water piping system should be installed with anti-vibration flexible joints, water filters, etc. first.

4. Water filters are recommended at the site's main water source end, in order to prevent poor water quality leading to air quality.

5. site hose connection: should be installed at the inlet and outlet pipe a pair of flexible stainless steel braided hose used to connect the water pipe, connecting the hose, use two spanners of the right size, one on the set of female pipe fittings, and the other on the hexagonal pipe fittings of the hose. Do not use the spanners on the hose or on the pipe sleeve. The hose should not be stretched, twisted or kinked. Connections should also not be too tight. Before the water system is pressurised, the hoses and fittings should be carefully inspected to ensure that there are no cuts, abrasions, twists, kinks and that the hose will not come into contact with sharp surfaces and sharp edges during use. A ball valve should be fitted to each hose to regulate and shut off the flow of water and balance the network. A two-position motorised control valve regulates the volume of water according to the operation of the compressor and the refrigerant discharge pressure. The motorised valve is used to switch off the water flow on the source side when the plant is shut down.

Then, connect the power cables and check the air leakage and water supply and drainage for leakage.

1. Use copper core wires for all connecting wires.

2. Since the electric control box is inside the body, the electrical cover needs to be removed when wiring, and the lead wires are introduced into the unit through the lead holes in the cover of the electric control box.

3, according to the host junction box pair number, connecting cable wire stripping length can be inserted into the terminal as good. 4.

4. The humidity sensor signal cable is connected with the connector.

5. The wires (conductors) not inserted into the terminal block are wrapped with PVC tape so that they cannot come into contact with any electrical appliances or metal parts.

6. The main power wire is fitted with lugs and then connected to the terminal block.

7. The earth wire must be fitted with lugs before connecting to the earth screw.

8. The lead wires of the terminal block are to be passed through the wire clips.

The installation process of constant temperature and humidity machine for museum display cabinet. After all of the above installation is completed, the unit test phase, set the relevant temperature and humidity, such as temperature set 22 ℃, humidity set 50RH, test.
